I’m Michael, and I’m a learning nerd.

What does that mean?

Not only do I love learning – I love learning about learning. And about learners.

I live for that “aha!” moment (you know the one), when the new skill clicks into place, or when the information sticks, and the world looks juuuust a little different than it did before.

I’ve honed my skills working with corporate clients, non-profit organizations, and in my own university classroom – with formal and informal learners alike.

That’s a whole lot of “aha!”

How do I do it?

Building relationships with subject matter experts, refining jargon and complex ideas into nitty-gritty know-how.

Developing learning objectives, strategic goals grounded in what your learners need to succeed.

Crafting enriching course curricula to get your learners from A to Z, without filler or time-sink detours.

Designing materials from worksheets to workshops, with enough humor and “who knew?” to keep learners hooked.

Scaling experiences, from minute-long microlearning to the deepest dives, for groups of five to 500.

Collecting and implementing feedback, to make your course – in-person or online – the best one possible.

Here’s what I’ve been working on.

An interactive graphic organizer for eLearning / instructional designers to get familiar with the ADDIE design method. Made entirely in Articulate Storyline 360.

A two-part interactive learning module about Vol. II of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice for college students, plus a quiz on Vol. I. Made with Articulate Storyline 360, PowerPoint, and Audacity.

A video tutorial to get started using Kahoot!, a gamified learning tool. Made with QuickTime, iMovie, Otter.ai, and YouTube Studio Editor.